Windows Home to Pro Upgrade Bug

A known bug in the upgrade path from Windows Home to Windows Pro can lead to a headache for end-users that could have been easily avoided.

Recently, we have seen several cases of Windows machines experiencing an issue when attempting to upgrade the operating system from the Home version to the Pro version. After the upgrade shows as completed and the machine is rebooted, the Windows version displays as the Enterprise version, not Pro. The issue here is that the license key associated with the upgrade is not applicable to Enterprise, meaning that the installed version of Windows is not activated. While this bug is admittedly on Microsoft’s end, the need to upgrade could have been avoided. Most of these instances stem from the device being purchased with the Home version when it should have been purchased with the Pro version to meet business requirements. This should be used as a reminder to be aware of your technology needs before making hardware or software purchases.

A non-activated version of Windows will constantly remind the user that their version needs a license key with pop-ups and a custom background displaying the same message. It is possible that a non-activated version will also limit the functionality of certain Microsoft applications like Word, Outlook or any app from the Microsoft Store. Regardless of the consequence of a non-activated version of Windows, the real issue is that this known bug exists and the steps needed for resolution can be time-consuming.

If you are facing this issue, it is recommended that you reach out to your IT department or directly to Microsoft for resolution. Issues like this should serve as a reminder to be aware of your hardware and software needs when purchasing new technology. To learn more about the importance of informed technology purchasing, click here.

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